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  • Friday, February 6, 2015

    Taking Dietary Supplements With Heart, Blood Pressure, or Cholesterol Medicines

    Visit the US Department of Health and Human Services for more information on this subject.

         Although dietary supplements are advertised as being beneficial or helpful, there is not much research about how they may harm your health when taken with cardiac medicines.
         Supplements could cause side effects that may not be listed on the label. Dietary supplements may also interfere with certain medicines or other supplements and this could make the medicine or supplement not work as well or could cause other side effects.
         If your doctor has suggested you take one of the following heart, blood vessel, blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood thinner medicines. These are called cardiovascular (CV) medicines.

    Blood pressure medicines like ACE (angiotensin- converting enzyme) inhibitors, ARBs (angiotension II receptor blockers), beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and diuretics (sometimes called “water pills”)
    Medicines that help make the pumping of your heart stronger, like Lanoxicaps® or Lanoxin®
    Medicines that help control your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, like statins or fenofibrate
    Blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin®)
    Aspirin or other “antiplatelet” medicines like Plavix®, Brilinta®, or Pradaxa®
    Medicines to treat or prevent chest pain from your heart, like nitrates such as Isordil®

    If you are taking or thinking about taking one or more dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other substances that add to the vitamins and minerals you get from food) in addition to your CV medicine then be sure to check out the site.

    Dietary supplements studied in the research include:
    ⦁ Niacin (vitamin B3)
    ⦁ Vitamin E
    ⦁ Vitamin K
    ⦁ Magnesium
    ⦁ Ginseng
    ⦁ Echinacea
    ⦁ Garlic supplements
    ⦁ Ginger supplements
    ⦁ Ginkgo biloba
    ⦁ Omega-3 fatty acids/fish oil
    ⦁ Coenzyme Q10
    ⦁ Hawthorn
    Unexpected Hazards of Supplements - Washington Post Article

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