Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Where to spend next winter
Where I live this winter was mild, crappy, but mild. Today it’s a balmy 53 degrees, but gloomy and dripping rain and it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. So, where should you live for the winter? Here’s a synopsis of weather state by state.
Alabama – Usually mild winters.
Alaska - No other state has the vast geographical differences. In some places winters make North Dakota seem like paradise while others are closer to Washington.
Arizona – In Flagstaff the average winter temperature is somewhere in the 20s. But most of Arizona has a dry desert day heat that is much warmer.
Arkansas - Once in a great while, Old Man Winter strikes.
California – With a state the size of Italy it’s hard to generalize, but San Francisco’s weather rarely changes and everyone in Los Angeles and San Diego enjoy nice weather year around.
Colorado – They experiences some serious snowfall, but it’s a cause for celebration there.
Connecticut – They enjoy the brutal New England winter.
Delaware – Nobody knows. Who pays attention to Delaware except people who live there?
Florida - It’s mostly a humid subtropical state with winters that tend to be mild.
Georgia - Freezing rain is common and tornadoes occur even in February, and when snow does hit, they shut down.
Hawaii - the average temperature during the winter is 81.
Idaho - If you live up in what’s know as the chimney it’s ugly just like it is in Canada. The rest of the state is somewhat warmer but winter is still brutal.
Illinois - Chicago winters are notoriously rough. Downstate things tend to be bad, but not quite as bad.
Indiana – The NW corner of the state bordering Lake Michigan, gets the worst of it. Usually without warning a foot of snow can magically appear.
Iowa - Snowstorms in the winter; 50 days of thunderstorms; an average of 47 tornadoes a year. It’s bad all the time in Iowa.
Kansas – Winters are unpredictable and often ugly.
Kentucky – People often think of it as a Southern state, but it’s weather is like Southern Ohio’s...crappy.
Louisiana - It’s a decent state when it comes to dealing with the colder months.
Maryland - Cold and snowy except around Baltimore where it’s usually milder.
Massachusetts - Winters are slightly warmer on the coast, but they have heavier snowfall than in the slightly colder Western and Central part of the state.
Michigan - Winter lasts fout to six months from before Thanksgiving to past Easter. Expect to experience wearisome, gray, cold, drizzly, snowy weather.
Minnesota - Parts of northern Minnesota see up to 170 inches (that’s over 14 feet) of snow in a winter. If that’s not bad enough the temperature can plummet to minus 60 degrees.
Mississippi - North Mississippi gets hit with a little snow on occasion, but it doesn’t last.
Missouri - It’s far enough south to generally be removed from the worst, but up in the north part of the sate it’s just far enough north to get some bad winter blasts.
Montana – An odd state because the Continental Divide creates differences in sunlight, wind, precipitation, and temperature, depending on whether you’re in the eastern or western part of the state. In either case, it’s not a noce place in the winter.
Nebraska - Winters are moderate in western Nebraska thanks to the moderating effects of the chinook winds coming off the Rockies. In the East people just hunker down and wait it out.
Nevada - Other than in the northern part of the state, Nevada is generally pretty well protected from the worst aspects of winter.
New Hampshire - 70 inches of snow a year is the norm. It’s cold, too.
New Jersey – Winters are miserable.
New Mexico – It’s a lot like Colorado.
New York – Depending on where you live winters can be mild or like in Buffalo where they get some 30 feet of lake-effect snow.
North Carolina – the western mountain range acts like a shield preventing invasions by Midwestern winter weather. Winters are usually mild...except in those western mountains.
North Dakota - Plan to spend the winter buried under snow.
Maine – Mostly uninhabited forest land with brutal winters that never end except for a few weeks in July. The coast and the south does have more moderate winters though thanks to the Atlantic.
North Dakota – Blizzards and cold.
Ohio - the lake-effect snowstorms of Lake Erie along the Snowbelt can dump 3-4 feet of snow on the high ground east of Cleveland while the West side enjoys sunshine. On the other hand lake-effect snow can set up parallel to the coast and dump snow several miles inland, or it can form long narrow bands running N to S...you never know. Winds howling over the Lake out of Canada can be pretty cold. Then there are the moderate cold of the central lowlands and Columbus. But then you’ve got Cincinnati and what is basically Kentucky's subtropical humid climate.
Oklahoma - The panhandle tends to experience the most cold while the rest of the state typically has at least one serious snow or ice storm per winter, but they don’t linger too long.
Oregon – Like Washington except when there is 70-degree sunshine on the coast.
Pennsylvania - In the east it’s not as bad as in the west where people just try to get through winter.
Rhode Island – See Delaware!
South Carolina - Outside of the Blue Ridge Mountains, most of the state is snow free for years at a time. The mild winters can be plagued with hurricanes.
South Dakota – Nicer than North Dakota because the average high temperature during the winter months is four degrees higher than in North Dakota.
Tennessee - they occasionally get clipped by a blizzard, but the weather’s usually mild.
Texas - West Texas is mostly arid desert where you can get the occasional blizzard that shuts down everything. East Texas is subtropical and humid even in the winter, and they get fog in Galveston where you can’t see things for days. Once in a while it will snow a couple of inches in Dallas and it shuts down the city. Except for the Northern Plains, the average temps in Texas in the winter usually stay in the mid-60s during the day.
Utah – It’s a lot like Colorado and there’s a lot of sunshine and cold weather leisure activities.
Vermont – Winters are brutal with most areas averaging around 8 feet of snow.
Virginia - Generally speaking, the winters tend to be a little rougher the closer you get to Washington, DC. The mountains also receive their share of snow.
West Virginia – Nasty snow storms in the mountains make is a bad place to be. Otherwise, it’s a nice place to be.
Washington – Lots of bone chilling cold rain blowing sideways that is likely to turn into sleet then to ice. The depressing thing is that it never stops.
Wisconsin – Snow and frigid temperatures. No redeeming qualities like ski resorts.
Wyoming – Cold and snow, lots of it.
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