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  • Friday, November 18, 2022

    Samsung Refrigerators...Junk

         A couple of weeks ago our refrigerator was making a clicking noise that was coming from the temperature control box inside the refrigerator. 
         When the repairman arrived the next day he seemed to be taking a long time tinkering with the refrigerator. Finally, when he appeared to be finished tinkering I asked what the problem was. His answer, "I don't know; I've never seen this problem before." This made be think he was something of a novice. 
         He was working for a reputable company and when he advised replacing two switches at a cost of $385 that was cheaper than a new refrigerator, so I gave the go ahead. 
         Two days later, on a Friday, the parts arrived and he installed them and left. The problem was not solved; in fact, it was worse! The refrigerator ran continuously without ever shutting off. 
         When I called the repair company Monday morning they assured me that they stand behind their work and would send the technician back. When I voiced concerns about the first technician, they had no problem with sending me different man. 
         Later that afternoon, a technician showed up with the original one in tow. When I explained the problem to the new guy, he immediately went to the source of the problem and explained it to the original tech and...me. 
         It was a leaning experience for the newer tech (and me). While it was aggravating, I realized that it took me some time to learn everything about my job, too. 
         The diagnosis was that it would be way too expensive to repair and we needed to buy a new refrigerator. And, the $385? It was refunded with no problem. 
         That evening we went out and bought a new refrigerator, a Whirlpool, that was delivered the next day which brings me to my point. The store sub-contracts delivery and when they arrived the delivery man told me, "At least you bought a good refrigerator and not a Samsung." We purchased a Whirlpool. 
         He stated that Samsung's were "junk" and added, "We pick up new ones for return all the time." And, he said, "They only last a year or two." He also mentioned that there is currently a lawsuit in the US against Samsung for faulty refrigerators. 
         It's true. Earlier this year Samsung customers in New Jersey filed a new class-action lawsuit alleging Samsung refrigerators don’t keep food cold enough. Actually, in Indiana back in 2019 consumers began experiencing problems with their Samsung refrigerators. 
         This lawsuit is separate from efforts by the group Samsung Refrigerator Recall USA which now has more than 107,000 members!
         One lady said she paid $2,700 for her refrigerator and within a year started having problems. The ice maker was freezing up, clogging up all the time causing the make to make noises. The fridge was also having problems staying cold...the inside temperature was a balmy 65 degrees! It’s important for a refrigerator to stay cold at 40 degrees or below, otherwise, bacteria can multiply rapidly and food and medicine can go bad.
         The lawsuit alleges Samsung refrigerators are defective and fail to keep food at a safe temperature. At the same time, it alleges that Samsung routinely denies warranty claims. Hence, the warning...DO NOT PURCHASE SAMSUNG REFRIGERATORS.
        This make me wonder, why do otherwise reputable stores still sell these refrigerators. I think I know the answer. Greed. It's all about the money.

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