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  • Thursday, September 18, 2014

    Want a Job That Does't Pay Anything?

    One of my favorite sites, Gizmo's Freeware, is recruiting. Gizmo's Freeware is a non-commercial community website staffed entirely by volunteers. Their primary function is to help you select the best freeware product. As they point out, sometimes the best freeware programs are as good as or better than their commercial counterparts.

    They are looking for the following:
    Mobile Platform Review Vacancies They currently have vacancies for iOS and Android including Antivirus, Image Viewer, image editor, eBook Reader for iOS, iPlatform Games, Office Suite, Radio Broadcasting, SMS app and Web Browser.
    Digital Image Editor If you are capable of testing out multiple products from this software category to update our review, please apply.
    Best Free Tune-up Program For Computer As the editor of this category it will be your responsibility to thoroughly test out the claims made by the various vendors and then rate their products accordingly. Particular emphasis should also be placed on safety.
    Best Free Video Streaming Sites Online web streaming is one of the most popular Internet activities whether you want to watch video from across the world, news recaps or TV shows. Their current review of these services needs updating so if you have this ability, offer to share your favorite streaming sites with Gizmo's Freeware readers
    Best Free CD-DVD Burning Software Despite the onward march of flash drives and external HD's, many users still prefer to use CD's or DVD's to store their media on. As the editor of this category it will be your responsibility to test out a variety of freeware programs and report on what you find.

    If any of these positions sounds like you and you have a few free hours each month to spare then why not join Gizmo's Freeware as a volunteer editor of one of these software categories?

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