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  • Friday, August 17, 2018

    Cops Gone Wild

    Police use Taser on 87-year-old woman cutting dandelions with a knife. 

         Yes, it's true. An 87-year-old grandmother using a knife to cut dandelions in the woods near her rural Georgia home last week was taken down by a police Taser and arrested. 
         The woman was arrested for criminal trespass and obstruction of a police officer when she did not drop a steak knife despite several commands and a demonstration by officers. At one point, she walked toward officers with the knife, police said. 
         Police had gone to a wooded area near a Boys and Girls Club after an employee called 911 to report that an elderly woman was walking around with a knife and she wouldn't leave. The caller advised the 911 operator that she had communicated that she didn't speak English. The caller also advised the dispatcher that the woman did not seem to be a threat. 
         Two officers along with the Police Chief arrived and repeatedly asked the elderly woman to drop the knife and, get this...according to the police report her demeanor was calm, even when the police drew their guns on her. 
         Officers began making hand gestures to indicate dropping a knife, but the woman still did not comply and when she began to walking toward them and got five yards away, still holding the knife, she was tasered, pulled to her feet, handcuffed and arrested her. 

         The two Chatsworth, Georgia police officers and Chief Josh Etheridge are probably proud of the way they handled this dangerous felon who was coming at them with a knife and the restraint they showed in dropping her with a taser and not pumping her full of bullets.

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