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  • Friday, October 8, 2021

    The Facebook Meme Rabbit Hole

         For some people who live in the topsy-turvy world of conspiracy theories the lack of evidence is itself clear evidence that justifies their paranoia.  
         Others are just plain narcissist (meaning they are self-involved to the degree that they ignore the needs of those around them), avaricious, inappreciative, consider nothing sacred, calumnious, have no self-control, have no interest in what is good, they are reckless, puffed up, love pleasure and are always learning but not coming to knowledge and they resist the truth. 
         They believe the nuggets of truth they see on Facebook memes. These are not the type of people you want to argue (reason) with because there is no point trying to impart wisdom when they are just going to persistently ridicule your guidance. If you’ve ever tried to reason with an irrational person, you know that they have no interest in letting reason in, they just want to let their cynicism and ignorance out. Besides that, it's easy to start acting like the people around you. 
         Many Facebook users believe anything their friends post even if it even goes beyond believing. In fact, they believe more than half of fake news is true. 
    Here's an interesting Forbes article.

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