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  • Tuesday, October 5, 2021

    Got Lime Juice?

         Limes have a bad side! Contact with lime peels or lime juice followed by exposure to ultraviolet light may lead to phytophotodermatitis, which is sometimes called margarita photodermatitis or lime disease, not to be confused with Lyme disease. Bartenders handling limes and other citrus fruits while preparing cocktails may develop it. 
         The peels contain much higher concentrations of the compound causing the disease so the peels are considerably more phototoxic than the pulp. Persian limes appear to be more phototoxic than Key limes. 
         Other than that, squeezing lime juice into water improves the taste of the water (if you like limes and can be an encouragement to drink more of it. Limes, which have origins in Asia, pack a large nutritional punch. 
         According to the United States Department of Agriculture one lime with a 2-inch diameter contains:
    * 20 calories
    * 22 milligrams of calcium 
    * 12 milligrams of phosphorus 
    * 68 milligrams of potassium 
    * 19.5 milligrams of vitamin C, which is about 20–25 percent of the recommended amount for adults
         As you probably know, limes were important to the British Navy in preventing scurvy, a disease that causes a person to feel tired and weak all the time, feel sad and irritable, have severe joint or leg pain, swollen and bleeding gums and perhaps the teeth may fall out, develop red or blue spots on the skin, especially the shins and it causes the skin to bruise easily. Read all about the cure for scurvy that was found by James Lind HERE.
    In addition to the nutritional value, lime water has the following benefits:  

    1. Helps improve diet 
    A recent study showed that people who drank more water instead of sugary drinks improved their diet. People who drank water instead of sweetened drinks reduced the amount of sugar and fat they consumed on a daily basis. 
    2. May aid digestion 
    Limes contain compounds that help stimulate digestive secretions and the acid in the lime juice helps the saliva break down food. 
    3. Reduces cancer chances 
    Several studies show a link between citrus fruit and a reduced risk of esophageal cancer. However, more research is required. 
    4. Improves skin quality 
    Limes contain vitamin C and antioxidants which are ingredients in many commercial skin products. When consumed with water, the lime juice can help improve the appearance of aging skin. 
    5. Promotes weight loss 
    Drinking a glass of water with a meal to help prevent overeating. Also, the citric acid found in lime juice helps boost metabolism which aids in burning more calories and storing less fat. 
    6. Improves immune system 
    The vitamin C and antioxidants provide support to the immune system. When drunk regularly, lime water might help prevent and shorten the lifespan of colds and flu. 
    7. Reduces risk of heart disease 
    Limes contain high levels of magnesium and potassium which help support the overall health of the heart. In particular, potassium can improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure. There is also limited research indicating that limes may also help reduce cholesterol levels. 
    8. Lowers blood sugar 
    Some research indicates that vitamin C can help lower morning and post-meal blood sugar changes. The study actually focused on people taking supplements of vitamin C, the conclusion indicated that vitamin has the potential for improving a person’s sugar levels. 
    9. Prevents the growth of micro-organisms 
    According to some research, a compound found in limes can help prevent the accumulation of Streptococcus bacteria which is responsible for a variety of infections and health conditions, including respiratory and mouth infections. Drinking lime water may help stop these organisms from developing. 
    10. Has anti-inflammatory properties
    That's because limes are a good source of vitamin C which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. 11. Helps prevent kidney stones Limes contain citric acid and vitamin C and both help break up or prevent the formation of some types of kidney stones.

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