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  • Wednesday, June 10, 2015


        Blackpowder guns are another enjoyable hobby. It's not always about just shooting, but you can learn some history or, if you're a do-it-yourselfer, you can build your own. The loud noise and the big cloud of smoke...can't beat it! 
         A muzzleloader is any firearm into which the projectile and usually the propellant charge is loaded from the muzzle of the gun. The term "muzzleloader" may also apply to the marksman who specializes in the shooting of muzzleloading firearms. The term of art includes rifled muzzleloaders and smoothbore muzzleloaders. Muzzleloading can apply to anything from cannons to pistols but in modern parlance the term most commonly applies to black powder small arms similar in the main to the weapons used. It usually, but not always, involves the use of a loose propellant and projectile, as well as a separate method of ignition or priming. 
        Some muzzleloaders are also into rendezvous. During the era of the fur trade in North America, the word came to mean gathering of fur trappers and fur traders. In modern times a Rendezvous is a gathering of people who try and re-create the living conditions and life style of people living in the 1740's to 1840's. They sleep in shelters that were common at the time and cook meals over open fires, using cookware, and utensils of the era. They also dress in clothing that is period correct. 
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    My favorite target!

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