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  • Tuesday, October 28, 2014

    Missing Money

         If you live in the United States you can go to Missing Money and check by state to see if you are owed any money.
         Missing Money searches all participating states to find your family's missing, lost, and unclaimed property, money and assets. I live in Ohio and every year 200,000 Ohioans lose track of their funds because they put money in financial institutions and forget about it or simply cannot track it in their records. Also, sometimes people are owed money by financial institutions and for whatever reason, they cannot be located. Because of this, Ohio, like most other states and Canadian provinces, have set up a Division of Unclaimed Funds.
         All you have to do is visit the site and enter your name, or the name of a relative (hopefully a rich one) and see if you have any money being held b y the State. If you do, you can download a claim form right from the site. The site is maintained by the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) which is a non-profit organization that maintains a national database to help people find unclaimed property.  Good Luck!!

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