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  • Thursday, February 4, 2016

    Buzzword Generators

    While on the subject of buzzwords, here are some sites worth a visit if you need to sound impressive for any reason.

    Business Buzzword Generator - Our visibility center is focused on new ways to recontextualize the consumer space through viral deployments of enterprise. 

    Or, you can generate meaningless, empty phrases that make it look like you know what you are talking about by simply click on the button and a random piece of business jargon will appear in the box at Plain English Campaign - We need to cascade memos about our facilitating monitored alignment.

    Maybe you want to Be an Art Critic - With regard to the issue of content, the disjunctive perturbation of the spatial relationships spatially undermines the exploration of montage elements.

    Tired of racking your brain trying to come up with an artist's statement extolling the unique virtues of your latest art work? Try THIS. Example...The mind creates, the body reproduces. In the material space, art objects are reproductions of the creations of the mind - a mind that uses the body as a parallax to materialize ideas, patterns, and emotions.

    Don't know what to Blog about? Let Hubspot help. Examples...
    • How to Solve the Biggest Problems With Chess 
    • 14 Common Misconceptions About Tartajubow 
    • 20 Myths About chess
    Link Bait Generator pretty cool, too!
    • Why You Should Forget Everything You Learned About Chess 
    • 10 Ways Chess Can Suck the Life Out of You 
    • 11 Ways Investing in Chess Can Make You a Millionaire
    Need an Acronym Finder? Just type in any letters. For example, FART 
    • Fathers Against Radical Teenagers 
    • Fast Action Response Team 
    • Farmers Against Ridiculous Taxes 
    • Fire Alarm Response Team
    If you want to post memes on Facebook here is a very nice site to generate them...Meme Generator:

    Want to preach a sermon? You can try this site...Sermon Ideas and compose a sermon just by selecting a topic, the exposition, the main points, and finally the closing. Here is an abridged sermon I generated on the subject of “accounting.” 

    The evil of out past comes back to haunt us. The phrase, when the chickens come home to roost is a colloquialism that refers to the tendency of chickens on a farm to roam freely. In the day, they are often seen under the house or pecking long distances from the coop. However, when the sun begins to set, without fail, chickens will always come back home to perch themselves on the roosts. Even in the church, the chickens have come home to roost. 

    There are many who are looking at the results many years of neglect and spiritual decay.  Some have chosen to live outside of God’s will and are presently enjoying themselves, feasting on the best that this life has to offer, but the handwriting is on the wall.  There is a warning to those who practice evil deeds, there is promise to those who do good. We are encouraged to do as much good as we can for as many as we can as long as we can.

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