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  • Sunday, July 30, 2017

    Firefighters kill snake that was biting woman's face

         SHEFFIELD LAKE — Firefighters came to the rescue of an East Lake Road woman when they cut the head off her pet boa constrictor that had wrapped around her neck and was biting her face. 
         The Fire Department would not release the name of the woman but said she was taken to a hospital with injuries that weren’t life-threatening. In a 911 call about 2 p.m. Thursday, the woman identifies herself as a 45-year-old who has 11 snakes - all ball pythons, except the two boa constrictors she had rescued Wednesday. She told the dispatcher that the other boa constrictor was in a cage. 
         “I’ve never heard of this before,” the dispatcher can be heard saying to emergency responders. When firefighters arrived, the woman was lying in her driveway with the snake around her neck, authorities said. 
         “It was wrapped around her neck and biting her nose and wouldn’t let go,” Fire Chief Tim Card said. “They had to cut its head off with a knife to get it to let go of her face.” 
         Card said a pocket knife was used to kill the snake, which the woman told authorities was 5.5 feet long. Firefighters disposed of the snake in a garbage bin near Sheffield Lake City Hall after it was dead. Listen to 911 call 

    This is the reason snake handlers need to carry a hand gun or large knife and NEVER handle snakes alone...always have another person present!!

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