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  • Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Whom Do You Trust?

       There used to be a CBS prime time game show titled Do You Trust Your Wife? Hosted by ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, the show ran from January 3, 1956, to March 26, 1957. All the contestants were married couples chosen for their unique backgrounds. 
         After a brief chat with Bergen and his dummies Charlie McCarthy, Mortimer Snerd and Effie Klinker the couples would try to answer four questions. The husband could attempt to answer or trust his wife to do so, hence the name of the show. 
         The revised show Who Do You Trust? aired from September 30, 1957 to December 27, 1963 at 3:30 pm Eastern. The revised title outraged language police, who preferred Whom Do You Trust? 
         This program was initially hosted by Johnny Carson and announced by Bill Nimmo. A year later he was replaced by Carson’s sidekick Ed McMahon. 
         In 1962 Carson took over from Jack Paar on the Tonight show and Woody Woodbury took over hosting the Who Do You Trust? and Nimmo returned to announce.
         Who are we to trust today among the news media? Which “expert” are we to trust. Even when researching facts for yourself, you have to deal with alternative facts. Who knows?!  And. there are, as they say, two sides to every story.
         Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, who is on the research and advisory board for one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world (Teva), has concluded that all the lockdowns, all the shutdowns, all the closing of churches, schools, beaches, businesses, restaurants, and parks was nothing more than economy destroying madness. It has all been unnecessary because coronavirus runs its own course no matter what governments do or do not do. Read the rest of the story HERE.

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