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  • Friday, December 19, 2014

    Want Some Hydrogen Cyanide, Formaldehyde and Toluene with That?

    "That" is cigarette smoke. Here's a list of chemicals beside nicotine that's found in cigarettes and other common products.

    Ammonia: Household cleaners, fertilizer
    Benzene: Gasoline, motor oil, automotive degreaser, carpet glue, furniture wax, spray adhesive
    Cadmium: Batteries, car wax, motor oil
    Carbon monoxide: Car exhaust
    Chromium: Stainless steel, metal adhesive
    Formaldehyde: Embalming fluid, car wax and shampoo, carpet cleaner, fabric softener, explosives, wood glue
    Hydrogen cyanide: Insecticide, rat poison, chemical weapons
    Lead: Old paint, ammunition, batteries, motor oil
    Toluene: Paint thinner, paint, car exhaust, gasoline, rubber cement, stain removers
    Vinyl chloride: PVC plastic and vinyl products, including pipes, wire and cable coatings, and automotive parts

    When you light a cigarette, you unleash more than 7,000 chemicals. More scary stuff about smoking can be found HERE. They also offer help in quitting.

    That said, which is more dangerous...smoking or drinking alcohol?
    Alcohol is  the third leading cause of disease and disability in the world.  There is a discussion HERE.

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