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  • Tuesday, November 17, 2015

    News and Events, Prices and Popular Culture - 1890 to today.

    I love this site! The People History 

    Well dressed men in 1945
         What happened in 1945, the year I was born? The major news stories included the sinking of the USS Indianapolis by a Japanese submarine. Sometime in the early 1960's I was with the US Marines and we were crossing the Atlantic on a ship (I don't remember which one) and I was reading a book about the sinking of the Indianapolis. It turned out that the Navy Master Chief Hospital Corpsman aboard the ship had survived the sinking. 
         The war in Europe ended on May 7th a couple of months before I was born and Harry S. Truman became the US President following the death of President Roosevelt. The war in the Pacific ended a little over a month after I was born. 
         The average cost of new house was $4600 which was slightly over twice the average annual wage, but you could rent a house for about $60 a month. A new car was a little over $1000, men's shirts were $2.50 each and if you wanted to buy your daughter a doll house, it would cost you $3.19. Gas was $0.15 a gallonBing Crosby and Frank Sinatra were the popular singers of the day.
         The site is a lot of fun to visit!

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