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  • Sunday, October 4, 2015

    Lurking Under Water

    Ocean's Deepest Depth - Icy cold, pitch black and with crushing pressures - the deepest part of the ocean is one of the most hostile places on the planet. Only three explorers have made the epic journey there: 11km (seven miles) down to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench. As a new wave of deep-sea exploration begins, take a look at the mysterious world that Also, has additional articles: Why would we want to dive that low? The race to the bottom. Deep diving subs.  Visit the BBC site

    Sunken Ships:
    10 Sunken Ships With Unusual Stories To Tell
    10 Most Incredible Sunken Ships on Earth 
    Sunken Ships Revealed After Ice Melts in Lake Michigan

    The Mysterious Sinking of the Edmond Fitzgerald - The SS Edmund Fitzgerald was an American Great Lakes freighter that sank in a Lake Superior storm on November 10, 1975, with the loss of the entire crew of 29. The legend of the Edmund Fitzgerald remains the most mysterious and controversial of all shipwreck tales heard around the Great Lakes. Her story is surpassed in books, film and media only by that of the Titanic. Canadian folksinger Gordon Lightfoot inspired popular interest in this vessel with his 1976 ballad, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

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