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  • Saturday, February 19, 2022

    Homemade De-Icer

         With freezing rain on driveways, sidewalks and steps the best way to melt the ice is, of course, salt, but it's very bad for concrete. Another option sometimes mentioned is lawn fertilizer, but while it does successfully melt the ice under and around the pellets, it can stain some concrete. 
         A third option that works is hot water, rubbing alcohol and dishwashing liquid. To make the solution, combine 
    * 1/2 gallon of warm water
    * six drops of dish soap
    * 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol 
    in a large container. 
         Then pour the solution on the icy area that you want to melt. Note: At some point it will refreeze. 
         According to home improvement expert Bob Vila, rubbing alcohol has a lower freezing point than water, so it speeds up the melting process. He also suggested keeping a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water (no soap) in a spray bottle in your car in order to quickly melt ice on a car door that’s frozen shut or a frosted windshield. If at home, DO NOT USE HOT WATER!! It can cause a cold windshield to break!

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