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  • Wednesday, September 13, 2023

    What's the Most Efficient Pattern to Cut Grass?

         When mowing the yard, like most people, I go back and forth, back and forth and it seems to tale forever. 
         But, sometimes I cut it diagonally and it seem like I zip right through it. Which way is the most efficient? 
         Of course, the size and shape of the yard is a factor. When it comes to mowing in rows, cutting in the longest direction is most efficient because it involves the least turns. It’s been studied by the pros and it’s been determined that mowing in back and forth in rows is one of the fastest, most efficient way. 
         Experts recommend that obstacles like flower beds, trees, shrubs, sheds, etc. should be mowed around before tackling the larger, unobstructed area. 
         In order to help keep lines straight, start by mowing parallel to a straight sidewalk or driveway. Thereafter focus on a point about 10 feet in front of you. 
         At the end of a row lift the mower deck as you turn then continue in the opposite direction. 
         Mowing at the highest setting results in soft grass that bends easily. Cutting the grass short means it won’t bend as far, so the pattern will be less noticeable.
         Bu the way. you’ve seen them in sport fields and some professionally cut lawns that look like stripes. Dark stripes are blades bent toward you and the lighter stripes are bent away from you. To get that effect you need a special striping kit for your mower or roller, so it’s probably best to forget that.

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