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  • Wednesday, July 15, 2015

    U.S. Military Veteran Discounts

         A few weeks back while in the Verizon store I was wearing a Marine Corps baseball cap and the clerk asked if I was a veteran and that's when I discovered that by bringing in a copy of my DD-214 I could get a discount on my phone bill. It wasn't much, about $5.00 a month, but five dollars is five dollars and it's better to have it in my pocket than put it in theirs. As it turns out, there are quite a few places that offer discounts to active duty personnel, retirees and veterans, but you usually have to ask.
          VeteransAdvantage is a military benefits program for national brand-name companies that want to honor and thank those who serve our country with military savings. Their partner companies offer exclusive military offers redeemed with the VetRewards Card.
    Veterans Advantage members never need to show or make copies of their government issued military IDs. Members securely redeem their savings with the VetRewards Card ID from Veterans Advantage. Veterans Advantage issues the VetRewards Card that verifies eligibility for military discounts at the point of sale, online or by phone.
          U.S. Active Duty, Retired Military, Military Veterans, National Guard and Reserve, both former and currently serving, from all branches and periods of service, including peacetime, are eligible to enroll in Veterans Advantage. Family members may enroll in their own Member Plan and receive full member benefits. Family members must be the 'next of kin' spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter of a current or former military service person (living or deceased).

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